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Our Orange County Legislators

  • Overview:

    • The General Assembly meets in Montpelier, the state capital, each January. Sessions generally are longer in the first year of the biennium (odd year).

    • All members are elected for two-year terms in the even-year November elections. All members are up for election at the same time.

    • The State Senate elects 30 members and the State House elects 150 members.                  

  • Reapportionment:

    • The districts from which members of the General Assembly are elected are determined by the legislature, this is known as reapportionment. A new reapportionment plan (generally one for the Senate and one for the House), is adopted by the legislature following each decennial federal census.

    • Districts are intended to have approximately the same number of persons per member. (This has been the case since the 1980 census.) There is no set number of districts.

    • Municipalities (cities and towns) are generally not split except to equalize the population factor.  The Senate plan has 2 municipalities split for Senate Districts: Burlington and Essex.  The House plan has 23 municipalities split for House Districts; these are in 8 counties.

    • The current reapportionment statute, adopted in 2022, created 16 Senate Districts and 109 Representative Districts (aka House Districts).
      Many districts elect only one member but others elect more than one member.
      For the 2022 plan, three is the largest number of members per Senate District; two members is the largest number of members per Representative District.

    • In the Senate, 7 districts elect one member; 4 elect two members; and 5 election three members.   Thus, 23 of the 30 members (77%) are elected in at-large elections where voters cast more than one vote.

    • In the House, 68 districts elect one member; 41 elect two members.
      Thus, 82 of the 150 members (55%) are elected in at-large election where voters cast more than one vote. 

  • Districts with Orange County towns:

    • There are 17 towns in Orange County but districts cross county lines. Most of these 17 are in Senate or House districts that include only Orange County towns. But, several towns may be the only Orange County town with most towns from the neighboring counties of Caledonia, Washington, Addison, and Windsor.

    • These 17 towns are included in 4 Senate Districts.

    • These 17 towns are included in 8 House Districts.

    • An online, zoomable map can be found here.


Senate Districts that include an Orange County town are listed below.
a) The names of the towns in Orange County are enclosed in brackets, e.g., [Corinth].
b) A link to a district map can be found by clicking on the district name.
c) A link to a member's page can be found by clicking on the member's name


1. Caledonia District (1 Member)

Barnet, Danville, Groton, Hardwick, [Newbury], Peacham, Ryegate, St. Johnsbury, Stannard, Walden, Waterford, Wheelock
Scott Beck of Saint Johnsbury (R), elected 2024


2. Orange District (1 Member)

[Bradford], [Brookfield], [Chelsea], [Corinth], [Fairlee], [Randolph], [Strafford], [Topsham], [Tunbridge], [Vershire], [Washington], [West Fairlee], [Williamstown]
Larry Hart of Topsham (R), elected 2024


3. Washington District (3 Members)

Barre City, Barre Town, Berlin, [Braintree], Cabot, Calais, Duxbury, East Montpelier, Fayston, Marshfield, Middlesex, Montpelier, Moretown, Northfield, [Orange], Plainfield, Roxbury, Stowe, Waitsfield, Warren, Waterbury, Woodbury, Worcester
Ann Cummings of Montpelier (D), elected 1996

Andrew Perchlik of Marshfield (D/P), elected 2018 

Anne Watson of Montpelier (D/P), elected 2022


4. Windsor District (3 Members)

Andover, Baltimore, Barnard, Bethel, Bridgewater, Cavendish, Chester, Hartford, Hartland, Ludlow, Norwich, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading, Royalton, Sharon, Springfield, Stockbridge, [Thetford], Weathersfield, West Windsor, Weston, Windsor, Woodstock
Alison Clarkson of Woodstock (D), elected 2016

Joe Majors of White River Junction (D), elected 2024

Becca White of Hartford (D), elected 2022



House Districts that include an Orange County town are listed below.
a) The names of the towns in Orange
County are enclosed in brackets, e.g., [Corinth].
b) A link to a district map can be found by clicking on the district name.
c) A link to a member's page can be found by clicking on the member's name.


1. Orange-1 (1 Member)

[Corinth], [Orange], [Vershire], [Washington]
Mike Tagliavia of Corinth (R), elected 2024


2. Orange-2 (1 Member)

[Bradford], [Fairlee], [West Fairlee]
Monique Priestley of Bradford (D), elected 2022


3. Orange-3 (1 Member)

[Chelsea], [Williamstown-part]
Joshua Dobrovich of Williamstown (R), elected 2024


4. Orange-Caledonia (1 Member)

Groton, [Newbury], [Topsham]
Joseph Parsons of Newbury (R), elected 2020


5. Orange-Washington-Addison (2 Members)

Granville, [Braintree], [Brookfield], [Randolph], Roxbury
Philip Jay Hooper of Randolph (D), elected 2016

Larry Satcowitz of Randolph (D), elected 2020


6. Washington-Orange (2 Members)

[Williamstown-part], Barre Town
Gina Galfetti of Barre Town (R), elected 2022

Francis "Topper" McFaun of Barre Town (R), elected 2004


7. Windsor-Orange-1 (1 Member)

[Tunbridge], Royalton
John O'Brien of Tunbridge (D), elected 2018


8. Windsor-Orange-2 (2 Members)

[Strafford], [Thetford], Norwich, Sharon
Rebecca Holcombe of Norwich (D), elected 2022

James Masland of Norwich (D), elected 1998

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